Esri Canada GIS Ocean Forum

Wed, June 9, 2021

Virtual Seminar | Language: English | 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. ET

In recent years, climate change and global emergencies have emphasized the importance of caring for the ocean with applied science.  As a result of these changes, our global ocean is experiencing a significant impact of these effects - including air and water temperature warming, seasonal shifts in species, sea level rise, coastal erosion, loss of marine mammals, changes in levels of precipitation, and fishery declines. 

Join us for the Esri Canada GIS Ocean Forum to hear from a growing community of ocean professionals discuss advances in data collection and analysis to gain a better understanding of our ocean. 

Read how Canadian seafood company Clearwater Seafoods achieves sustainable prosperity with seafloor maps

Here’s what's on the agenda:

  • Canada’s Ocean Supercluster will demonstrate how geospatial technology plays a crucial role in the growth of the blue economy by sharing data and information across ocean industries.
  • Hear how Hakai Institute uses a variety of geospatial tools to study and monitor nearshore habitats.
  • Discover how Western Canada Marine Response Corporation uses a Common Operating Picture (COP) application to plan and respond to oil spills along the coastline of British Columbia.


Why Attend

  • Learn about discovery, exploration of ocean science research and analysis
  • Discover how to mitigate disaster response with ocean-use planning, coastal management and conservation
  • Learn how GIS technology provides a better understanding of this dynamic environment – from collection and display of data to complex simulation and modeling
  • Watch demos, gain knowledge and view maps telling stories of ocean science

Intended Audience

The intended audience is for professionals in ocean engineering, biology, research, marine environment educators and Oceanography and marine scientists

Be part of this growing community