Next Steps for NG9-1-1

Wed, Sept. 29, 2021

Virtual Seminar | Language: English | 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. ET


Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) is well underway. The CRTC has issued directives and new timelines for the largest technology transition in public safety history. How cities and emergency communications centres accurately locate Canadians in need will rely immensely on Geographic Information Systems (GIS), marking a fundamental shift in the way 9-1-1 services are accessed and provided across the country.

We invite you to join us and learn how to develop your organization’s readiness for tomorrow in our 
Next Steps for NG9-1-1 virtual seminar.

Why Attend

  • Gain insights into where next generation 9-1-1 stands today and how its evolution will affect the future framework of all organizations
  • Learn how the City of Kingston in planning to optimize their management strategy, data collaboration, change processes and geospatial technology practices to prepare for
  • See what's next, and how to facilitate a transitional plan for NG9-1-1 to comply with industry standards

Intended Audience

Professionals in Public Safety, Emergency Services, and Municipal/Provincial/First Nations Government who are engaged in the development and implementation of Next Generation
9-1-1, including: 

  • First Responders - Police, Fire, EMS
  • Managers of Emergency Communication Centres / Public Safety Answering Points
  • GIS, IT, Operations Managers and Directors in Local/First Nations Government - including, but not limited to those responsible for Roads and Addressing, Engineering, Planning

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