NG9-1-1 GIS Validator

Validate your GIS data to the NG9-1-1 NENA standard

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What is the NG9-1-1 GIS Validator?

The Validator is a free online service that compares and scores your data to the NENA Standard for NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model.  It is your first step towards ensuring your data meets the NG9-1-1 GIS data standards.  The GIS layers that the Validator currently checks are:

  • Road Centrelines
  • Site/Structure Address Points
  • Emergency Service Boundaries
    • EMS Polygons
    • Police Polygons
    • Fire Polygons
  • Provisioning Boundaries

Simply upload your existing geodatabase or shapefile to receive a downloadable summary and detailed list of differences within minutes. No software installation is required.

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gis validator dashboard

Launch the NG9-1-1 GIS Validator

NG9-1-1 GIS Validator is a partnership between Canada’s Emergency Services Working Group (ESWG) and Esri Canada.

Launch Validator

See the Validator in Action

The Validator performs more than 600 tests to confirm your data meets the high standards for public safety data. In this video, we go over the validation process and the reports that are generated.

What does it do?

NG9-1-1 is dependent on GIS data. Data must be from authoritative sources and meet the new NENA standards.

The Validator checks that you have the mandatory attributes for each layer you are testing, checks your field names, tests the domain values, and ensures that each attribute meets the data type and length requirement.

You can re-upload and check your data as many times as needed until it matches the NENA model. 

NENA GIS Data Model
emergency room ambulance

How does it work?

The NG9-1-1 GIS Validator can be used by providers of public safety data to ensure their data meets the stringent format requirements of the NENA GIS Data Model. There are 4 main components of the Validator:

  • gis validator upload your data

    Data Upload

    Upload your zipped GIS data to the NG9-1-1 GIS Validator
  • gis validator match data

    Data Matching

    Match the attributes of your data to the NENA GIS Data Model
  • gis validator quality check

    Quality Checks

    Checks that the data is formatted to meet NENA requirements
  • gis validator reporting


    Flag and report invalid data for further review and correction


It is based on the NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model published by NENA:

This is correct. It is not mandatory that any data change be reflected in the 9-1-1 ecosystem within 72 hours. This is an aspirational goal.

Yes, there is an extensive list of suffixes that are valid. If you have one that is not on the list, please email Robert Harris, Co-Chair of ESWG TIF-92, (, and we will work with NENA to add it to the list.

Yes. The NENA GIS Data Model for NG9-1-1 will accommodate requirements for both the US and Canada.

No, there is no limit.

No, there is no registry. Users design the string according to the NENA data model spec.

NENA hosts template geodatabases on Git Hub that demonstrate the NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model. The geodatabases are available as an Esri File Geodatabase or a PostgreSQL geodatabase. For more information, see

Yes. Vertical addresses must be individual site address points.

The Provisioning Boundary defines the 9-1-1 Authority’s area of GIS data provisioning responsibility. Boundary information must be agreed to by all adjoining provisioning providers and cannot contain unintentional gaps or overlaps. This effectively becomes a geofence for the 9-1-1 Authority for data submitted through the Spatial Interface and determines the entity responsible for discrepancy resolutions.

The ESB is the area which defines the agencies (police, fire, ambulance) responsible for providing service to a location.

No, it does not. However, we are currently working on solutions to perform these checks.

Yes, they can. 

It must be a zipped file containing shapefiles or a geodatabase (GDB).

Yes, and each unit must be an individual site address point.

No, the Validator does not retain any copies of data submitted.

No, it is a web application hosted by Esri Canada.

Authoritative data providers must work with neighbouring jurisdictions in cases where there may be concerns over edge matching.

The NENA NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model will accommodate requirements for both the US and Canada. Work is currently underway at NENA to create this single model.  

This is a choice for the municipality to make in consultation with their emergency service providers.