Unlock the shift to NG9-1-1 with our new e-book, "Transforming Public Safety: Next Generation 9-1-1 Solutions for Data Providers."


Next Generation 9-1-1

Location matters when verifying addresses and allocating resources

Across Canada, the public safety 9-1-1 community is facing a critical, pivotal moment in its history. The existing 9-1-1 system was designed in an era of landline telephones and assumes the calls are coming from fixed, known addresses. Today, most emergency calls originate from smartphones and IP devices, often while away from home. As a result, these changes are driving this historic evolution to next-generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1).

What is next-generation 9-1-1?

NG9-1-1 is the transition of 9-1-1 from analogue systems to IP-based systems. The change will enhance emergency number (9-1-1) services to create a faster, more resilient system allowing voice, data, photos, videos and text messages to flow seamlessly from the public to 9-1-1.

What You Need to Know


Read the official CRTC Emergency Services Working Group FAQ

TIF92 GIS (Mapping) and Common Addressing


At-a-Glance: GIS for NG9-1-1


Powering Public Safety

The effectiveness of the NG9-1-1 system will be dependent on the GIS data it uses. What is required is a rapid update system that can consume and aggregate GIS data, built from authoritative sources which meet public safety (NENA) standards.

Together with the national Emergency Services Working Group (ESWG), Esri Canada has been engaged in developing the GIS data model and standards specification and is currently assisting organizations with their management processes with respect to civic addressing standards, data governance and NG9-1-1 strategic planning.

Powering Public Safety

New Brunswick Blazes the Trail on Getting its Data Ready for NG9-1-1

The New Brunswick 911 Bureau is responsible for ensuring the effective and efficient delivery of 9-1-1 service to the province. The Bureau has developed AddressNB, a point-based, web-centric civic address system, and is the aggregating authority for the New Brunswick Road Network (NBRN). Watch this video to find out how these two functional elements have significantly improved GIS data availability for 9-1-1 operations and paved the way for Next-Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1).


Get started

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