Self-Paced Training

Learn at your own pace using free online learning resources. Browse our e-Learning sites for free web courses and lessons or sign up for upcoming webinars.

Esri Academy

Complement your instructor-led training with self-paced e-Learning through Esri Academy. This includes web courses, training seminars, videos, massive open online courses (MOOCs) and more. The online, self-paced resources are free to individuals and organizations with a qualifying Esri product current on maintenance. For instructor-led training, view the Esri Canada course catalogue as those listed on Esri Academy are only offered to US customers.

Esri Academy
Esri Academy

Accessing Esri Academy

Do you have a qualifying product with current maintenance?

If your employer or school purchased an Esri qualifying product with current maintenance, an administrator at your organization needs to connect your account to enable e-Learning access.


Qualifying Products for Self-Paced E-Learning

Qualifying products include many Esri subscriptions and programs. Some of the most popular are listed below.

  • ArcGIS Online Organizational Subscription
  • ArcGIS for Personal Use Program
  • Esri Enterprise Agreements
  • Esri Small Enterprise Agreements
  • Esri Higher Education Enterprise License (Education Site License)
  • Esri Nonprofit Program
  • Esri Startup Program

If you don't know whether your organization has an Esri qualifying product, check with your GIS or IT department.

Learn ArcGIS

Whether you’re looking to analyze crime incidents, collect flood damage assessments or build a community park locator app, this online gallery provides a wide variety of guided lessons based on real-world problems. You’ll learn to make maps and conduct analyses with ArcGIS applications in no time.

Learn ArcGIS


Throughout the year, we host webinars to help you learn how to use the latest Esri products, and work smarter and be more productive. From selecting which template to use for building your apps, to leveraging the analytical tools in ArcGIS to make better decisions, you’ll surely get valuable tips and tricks!

You can attend a free live webinar or listen to a prerecorded webinar. These engaging one-hour technical presentations and demonstrations are delivered by our subject matter experts and are available 24/7 through our website.

Upcoming webinars

Training Information Request